Friday, June 5, 2009

Tummy time

Petra is consistently rolling from her back to tummy, but she's just on the verge of going the other way. She's now unswaddled in her crib for all naps and nighttime!

Nights are going well-- she's only up about once a night, and last night STTN!! 7:30-5:00! She probably would have even slept longer, but when I went to check on her at 5, she was on her tummy. Same thing happened yesterday. I flipped her over, and of course she woke up.

I have been reading and it is okay for them to choose their own sleep position once they are strong enough to roll, but it still concerns me, since SIDS peaks ~3-4 months.

Monday, June 1, 2009

First dunk

Mark took Miss P to the pool on Friday. He blew in her face to get her to hold her breath, and then DUNK! I took the video, but I am not used to doing it and didn't get her reaction. Wups-- cute anyway

Outgrowing the fussies!

I feel like Petra is outgrowing her fussiness!! She's been kind of a difficult baby since around 2w. She would cry a lot, and I couldn't really put her down for more than a few minutes. Or even hold her on my lap-- you had to be holding her while standing up! I know you can't spoil a newborn, but there were definitely times when I thought maybe I'm causing this. People would want to see her or have me bring her by, but it wasn't much fun for any of us when she'd just cry the whole time!

But I really feel like we've turned a corner. She is still fussy, but it seems like her happy times are longer. We actually went to Target today with NO meltdowns in the car seat and only a short bout of crying at the store. That is MAJOR!! I used to really not even want to leave the house with her because of the crying.

I think it is mainly because her vision has improved and now she can see stuff. She also is more interested in toys and playing, so I can sort of distract her.

Funny if she'd been in daycare, I probably would have credited them! She has about a month before she starts, so I'll at least get to enjoy her more now that we're home together!

I have a phone interview tomorrow with a job I'm really interested in, so I hope it goes well!! I am feeling like it is time to go back, though I really wish part time were more of an option.

Oh and sleep update: Unswaddled in her crib and last night she was pretty much NORMAL! She slept until about 3:30 and then was up at 6! I just hope it repeats!!

In the bumbo with coleus-- both from Mark's grandma.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sleep Update

Well, she was up a lot more than usual last night, but it was pretty easy to get her back down, so I can't complain. And she has her usual nap schedule this morning, although it was hard to get her to sleep! Plus, she ended up sleeping on her side, not sure if I like that, but her nose/mouth were totally clear to breathe. I'm sticking with it through the weekend, though!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Project Sleep in Crib: COLD TURKEY

No more swaddle and no more swing! Now that Miss P can roll, it really isn't safe to swaddle her. And I wasn't strapping her into her swing, so that probably isn't so safe either.

She hasn't been sleeping that well since we got back from Indy, so I figured might as well just do it, since I'm not getting her to nap in long stretches or STTN anyway. I just tried it this afternoon with her nap, and OMG!!-- She's been sleeping for over an hour! It took awhile to get her down, but she's sleeping well. I'm going to keep at it over the weekend, since Mark will be home to relieve me, and hopefully she'll be done by next week!

That's how I roll!

Petra decided she would roll from back to tummy first, instead of the other way around. She was getting tired, so you might want to watch on mute! ;)

We visited Mark's family and friends in Indy over Memorial Day. Petra was her usual fussy self at times, but she was also really stimulated by all her new surroundings and people. I think that is one reason she started to roll. So proud of her!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Project Sleep in Crib: Day 3

Pretty good last night. She was a little hard to put to sleep, so I let her start out in the swing. I think it was because she didn't nap very well in the afternoon!

8-10 Petra swinging in swing
10-1 Petra in swing, not swinging!
1:30-6 Petra in crib!

Then she got tired again around 7:30, so she is napping in the swing! But pretty good. She moved off the wedge again, so I think I'm just going to take it out and see what happens...