Tuesday, June 17, 2008

6 Weeks today!

I'm 6 weeks today! My baby is the size of a lentil! :) Dahl anyone?

So far I feel nothing! I guess that is a good thing, but it also kind of concerns me that maybe there is something wrong? I think I felt more excited when I was going to dr. appts and getting reassurance. Now I just wonder if I'm really pregnant since I don't feel anything?!

I guess I should be happy I'm not sick or tired, but I feel scared to think of this as a sure thing. I keep telling myself if I was losing the baby, I'd feel painful cramps and heavy bleeding. So I just have to trust everything is fine.


Unknown said...

Awesome! Congratulations. I am 8days since my 5d transfer and have been too scared to do an HPT. I keep telling myself that if I don't cheat may be I will be rewarded. My beta is tomorrow and I'm dying inside because I am so nervous. This is my first attempt at ICSI and I have no symptoms that tell me that I could be pg.

Mama to be! said...

hey, I just realized we are date buddies! I was 6 weeks on Tuesday too!
By the way, it's Itsbabytime from SAIF :)