Tuesday, June 24, 2008

7 weeks!

I'm 7 weeks today!! My baby is the size of a blueberry! We've graduated to the fruit stage. Mark is very proud. :)

So far I've just had the light nausea on and off. I also feel like I'm gaining some weight-- I'm just eating more regularly to stave off the nausea. And I feel a lot worse than normal if I don't eat. My clothes are all still fitting fine, but some things are getting a little tight.

I keep hoping that things are still going okay in there. I have to trust that they are, but I still worry that I could have a missed miscarriage and my baby is gone but my body doesn't know it. Paranoia, I'm sure. Just a little over a week until my next ultrasound... I can see why so many moms-to-be get dopplers!


Ariella said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Try not to worry to much about missed m/c they are the rarist kind of m/c. Sending you positive vibes for your u/s next week.

shiner said...

Thanks for your encouraging words...I need them right now. I didn't want to say anything about doing the donor cycle on the radio show because Richard and I were going to keep it a secret. Yesterday the fit hit the shan and now the whole family knows. I feel releived about that at least. I am reading ariella's blog right now. Crying and not feeling so alone. Thanks again for getting me to this stage!

Anonymous said...

Stop fretting. You are doing just fine. When is your u/s? Stay positive and everything will be okay.

shiner said...

Thanks for the info and the happy comments. Do you happen to know anyone who has been through failed regular IVF treatments but has gotten pg through donor?

shiner said...

Thank you so much for doing my homework for me...no really I am just new to this world and I will get better. I really appreaciate the feed back though because it gives me hope. Hope is hard to come by when you are as cynical as I am by now. Someone at the resolve meeting tonight also mentioned a little pregnant. Is everything okay with you?