Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi Baby Girl?!

We had our NT scan today to check for genetic abnormalities. The ultrasound was really, really clear, much more clear than any of the others we have had. It was also my first external ultrasound, so the baby is finally big enough to be seen from the outside!

The measurements were all perfect and well-within range of normal. Yay! We are thrilled about that.

The tech was measuring the baby's legs and we got a crotch shot and Mark asked-- is it a boy? She said, "Well, if you don't get your heart set and promise not to buy anything, I think its a girl." We were in shock!! We really thought it was going to be a boy, but we are so excited. It isn't 100%, but this scan is pretty late to where I think she has a decent guess! We'll find out for sure sometime in the next month or so.

Anyway, both of us just can't stop smiling!! :)

Oh, and I'm in my 2nd trimester now. Another great milestone!


shiner said...

Oh that is so awesome! I am so excited for you. Congrats on your baby girl - looks like she's waving hello, how precious! I am so glad you're in your 2nd tri now. Whoo hoo - wish I was you right now;o>

Sasha & Mark said...

You will be soon Candace!! :)

Ariella said...

Oh my gosh! A little girl! How exciting! Congrats on getting an early guess.

Candece: Your turn is right now. Just 8 more weeks till your NT scan!!!

shiner said...

God I hope you are right;o>

Lisa said...

Awww, congrats!!!