Tuesday, November 4, 2008

99 DAYS TO GO & 26w Belly Pic

One day early, but here it is-- It doesn't look like I've grown a lot in a month, but I think I'm poking out a little more. Definitely no mistaking that I'm pregnant now!

Last night we had our 2nd birthing class. It was really useful for understanding the stages of labor and the average time each stage really lasts. It sounds like if you can get through the first 8 hours of intense pain, there's only a few hours of excrutiating pain! I think it is useful to think about that-- I always remember when I was running a lot, things were much more bearable when I had a ballpark of how much longer it was going to be.

Anyway, after Mark said he was really glad we were taking it because he is understanding how much I will need him, which I really will. I loved that he said he learned from last class about anticipating my needs because I won't be able to vocalize or even think-- so sweet! He doesn't always naturally think to do things around the house, but I know he'll be really great when I'm in labor and fully focused on me and our baby.

I leave today for a conference in Baltimore. I'll be there for a few days and then see my stepsister for the weekend. I am looking forward to it, but I will also miss out on watching election coverage with Mark.


shiner said...

Awe, you look so cute...like one of those perfect little pregnant women that just have a ball in the front. I love it!!!

andrea said...

You do have cutest bump! But I know what you mean about being noticably pg now, I just started getting stranger comments this week.

You and Mark seem to have a good plan. I think my DH will be so freaked out, he may not be as much help as yours! I just got him to feel comfortable touching my stomach this week. I think he thinks he is going to break something!!