Tuesday, July 29, 2008

card from my niece

I got this card a few weeks ago-- so cute! It is a mommy flamingo with a baby flamingo hatching from an egg and a daddy flamingo watching from the side. :)

My niece is 8 and lives in Atlanta. It has been awhile since there has been a baby in our family, and she and my nephew are really excited! They were asking their mom about a baby just before our BFP! It has been fun to share the news and feel confident the farther things go along.

12 weeks today! The baby is about the size of a lime, just over 2 inches! My first OB appt is on Thursday. I also added the 11 wk u/s photo a few posts down.


art in the garden said...

Kira is so excited! She can't wait to hold the baby!

BTW, I cannot imagine the adjective "fat" ever being applied to you. It is fun to see a tiny baby bump and other changes in your body. Those with the ultrasound pics make it feel more and more real for me too.

Love, Mommy

shiner said...

What a sweet card! I am so happy for you. I hope we'll be having our children within a few months of each other.