Friday, February 20, 2009

6 cm & 80% effaced

I cannot believe I'm not in active labor?! This has either been the longest pregnancy or longest labor ever! 7 cm is usually "transition" when you are in the most painful part, according to my birth class instructor!!

I saw the midwife this weekend, and she seemed confident I would not need the induction on Tuesday. I hope she is right, but they have been telling me that for 3 weeks now! However, I have made a lot of progress since Tuesday when I was at 4cm and 60%. So I might actually believe her this time. Again, the baby is still doing great, so no worries on keeping her in a little longer.

She swept my membranes and also recommended the castor oil tomorrow morning, so I'm going to do that. I'm not sure if it will put me in labor, but I can call her over the weekend, so I feel more comfortable doing that than just trying it on my own.

She also said the they may just break my water instead of starting pitocin for the induction. I'm not sure which I would prefer. In some ways, I like the natural breaking the water with no pit and still able to change positions, etc, but I have also read if the baby is posterior and labor is stalled, you shouldn't break the water because the cushion of water gives the baby more opportunity to get in position. So, I'll have to weight the pros/cons of that.

But overall, I'm feeling much better about the birth and hopefully going into labor on my own. I may actually meet my baby this weekend...!


shiner said...

Oh that's good! I am glad you are progressing. I hope you do get to meet her this weekend. I'll be praying it all goes smoothly. Sorry it's been so long and frustrating for you but I am so glad she's doing so well.

Open Roads Mama said...

oh my, the growing excitement!!! wishing you lots of energy for the next few days to come! :)